Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Introductory Post.

Welcome to my honours project blog!

I am in 4th year at Dundee university studying Applied Computing. As part of the honours year I am required to participate in an honours project. This blog shall be the documentation/journal of the development of said project.

So, what is the project?

To summarise my understanding of it at this point in time - it is to use Hadoop to perform map-reduce functions on a dimensional database. We do not know how well this is going to work, but my task is to setup the database and use the hadoop functionality to try to analyse and extract data from the database.

My first tasks are:

  1. Start this blog.
  2. Write an overview of the project (Presumably this will gauge my understanding of the project so I can be steered on course.)
  3. Perform a risk analysis of the project.
  4. Slap together a Gantt chart. (Will involve a proper breakdown and understanding of whats involved, but this will be a rough overview of the primary tasks and estimated time scale initially)
More later.

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